CFP for a Special Issue of the Aesthetics Investigations Journal dedicated to the Philosophy of Film Without Theory.
Journal Editor-in-Chief: Rob van Gerwen (University of Utrecht)
Special Issue Guest Editors: Craig Fox (California University of Pennsylvania) & Britt Harrison (University of York).
Following on from this year’s inaugural, international conference on the Philosophy of Film Without Theory at the University of York, the Special Issue of Aesthetics Investigations extends its CFP deadline to June 15th, 2019.
Methodologies in Philosophy Without Theory (in general) include, but are by no means limited to: fine-grained description and discernment; disentangling confusions; reactive and/or reflective critical inquiry, the exploration of conceptual connections; logical geography; conceptual synthesis; the provision of perspicuous presentations and surveyable overviews; non-systematic engagement with individual or particular works, subjects, objects, ideas, events and/or situations… and more.
Methodologies in Philosophy Without Theory about film may include any of the above as part of a commitment to focus on, and pay close attention to, individual films.
The Editor-in-Chief and Guest Editors invite philosophers of film, film critics, film-makers and film viewers who are developing and exploring such ways of engaging with philosophy and film, and philosophy of film, to submit a paper (of up to 7,500 words) for this Special Issue dedicated to championing the very idea of philosophy of film without theory.
Author Guidelines
The Philosophy of Film Without Theory Website