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Category Archive for 'Publicaties'

Aesthetic Investigations has just published another issue. I invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to review articles and items of interest. I would also like to draw your attention to our new Calls for papers, which include calls for guest editors! Please visit our site, and […]

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Aesthetic Investigations has just published a new issue. We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to review articles and items of interest. I would also like to draw your attention to our new Calls for papers, which include calls for guest editors! Please visit our site, […]

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Volume 3, issue 1. If you are interested in this journal do not hesitate to enlist as a reader on our website: https://www.aestheticinvestigations.eu/index.php/journal/issue/current Dr. Rob van Gerwen, Editor-in-chief Aesthetic Investigations | aestheticinvestigations.eu | E: editor@aestheticinvestigations.eu Dutch Association of Aesthetics: www.nge.nl Dept. of Philosophy | University Utrecht | Janskerkhof 13, 3512 BL Utrecht, room 1.04W: www.phil.uu.nl/~rob/ […]

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deadline extension (October 31, 2018) for the Contemporary Aesthetics journal’s call for papers for the special issue on “Aesthetics and Terrorism.” More info here: https://www.contempaesthetics.org/newvolume/pages/article.php?articleID=814

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De stilte en het onuitsprekelijke.

Emeritus hoogleraar en mede-oprichter van het Nederlands Genootschap voor Esthetica, Antoon Van den Braembussche (VUB), schreef een boek dat lovende reacties kreeg: De stilte en het onuitsprekelijke. Over beeldcultuur, kunst en mystiek. Het boek is voor een belangrijk deel gewijd aan de ervaring van het sublieme en de spirituele dimensie in de kunst. Boekgegevens: Auteur: […]

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By Monique Roelofs April 2014 • Hardback • 9781472530134 • £65.00 • 288 pages Aesthetic desire and distaste prime everyday life in surprising ways. Monique Roelofs casts much-needed light on the complex mix of meanings our aesthetic activities weave into cultural existence.

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Henk Borgdorff The Conflict of the Faculties Perspectives on Artistic Research and Academia Leiden University Press. May 2012 This book is about artistic research: what it is, or what it could be. And it is about the place that artistic research could have in academia, within the whole of academic research. Artistic research is an […]

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Redactie: Wessel Stoker en Oane Reitsma Op 15 december j.l. werd tijdens het afscheid van prof. dr. Wessel Stoker, als bijzonder hoogleraar Esthetiek aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam het boek ‘Kunst en Religie’ gepresenteerd, het bevat essays van oud-studenten van de drie faculteiten waaraan Wessel Stoker was verbonden, namelijk, Nederlandse Letteren, Wijsbegeerte en Theologie. […]

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Wessel Stoker ‘Kunst van Hemel en Aarde. Het spirituele bij Kandinsky, Rothko, Warhol en Kiefer   Kunst is vanouds van belang voor religie of spiritualiteit. Ook seculiere kunst zoals die in musea is te zien, kan spiritueel zijn. Over die kunst gaat het in dit boek. Kandinksy, Rothko, Warhol en Kiefer maakten veel spiritueel werk. […]

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Blackwell Companions to Philosophy Series. Bart Vandenabeele (editor) A Companion to Schopenhauer provides a comprehensive guide to all the important facets of Schopenhauer’s philosophy. The volume contains 26 newly commissioned essays by prominent Schopenhauer scholars working in the field today. A thoroughly comprehensive guide to the life, work, and thought of Arthur Schopenhauer Demonstrates the […]

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