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Volume 3, issue 1.

Aesthetic Investigations, vol. 3, issue 1

If you are interested in this journal do not hesitate to enlist as a reader on our website: https://www.aestheticinvestigations.eu/index.php/journal/issue/current

Dr. Rob van Gerwen, Editor-in-chief Aesthetic Investigations | aestheticinvestigations.eu |
E: editor@aestheticinvestigations.eu
Dutch Association of Aesthetics: www.nge.nl
Dept. of Philosophy | University Utrecht |
Janskerkhof 13, 3512 BL Utrecht, room 1.04
W: www.phil.uu.nl/~rob/ | blog: blog.hum.uu.nl/robvangerwen/ |
Twitter: @robvangerwen

Jurry Ekkelboom, MA, Assistant to the editor |
info@aestheticinvestigations.eu | NGE: www.nge.nl
Visiting address: Dingostraat 62 6531 PD Nijmegen

Prof. Dr. Arthur Cools, editor Articles, and book reviews | articles@aestheticinvestigations.eu
Sue Spaid, Ph.D., editor Articles | articles@aestheticinvestigations.eu
Guest Editor Arts & Artists | artsartists@aestheticinvestigations.eu

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