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Beste lezer, de nieuwe deadline voor aanmeldingen is 15 juni …. (Wie wil meedoen, gelieve snel te reageren)

Onderstaande OVB voor de nu nog geheten Onderzoekschool voor Praktische Wijsbegeerte is extra relevant voor ons. Het betreft hier de voorloper voor de nieuw op te richten Onderzoekschool voor Wijsbegeerte, waar de esthetica een plek in de kamer voor Praktische Filosofie hoopt te verwerven.

Graag wil ik academisch georiënteerde kunstfilosofen, waaronder degenen die een voordracht hebben ingestuurd of gehouden op de Utrecht Expert meeting van november 2011, aanmoedigen een voorstel voor een voordracht in te dienen. Bij ruime aanmelding kunnen we wellicht een eigen sectie claimen.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Rob van Gerwen, Departement Wijsbegeerte
Universiteit Utrecht
W: http://www.phil.uu.nl/~rob/

Fourth Annual Dutch Conference on Practical Philosophy, Eindhoven, 2 and 3 November 2012.


Keynote Speakers:

Roger Crisp (Oxford) and Valerie Tiberius (University of Minnesota)

Call for papers

Papers on any topic within practical philosophy (broadly conceived) are invited for the 2012 annual conference of the Netherlands School for Research in Practical Philosophy, hosted by Eindhoven University of Technology.


The Annual Dutch Conference on Practical Philosophy brings together ethical theorists and political philosophers as well as philosophers and researchers working in related fields to present and discuss their work in practical philosophy. The Netherlands School for Research in Practical Philosophy (Onderzoekschool Ethiek) is a central meeting place for members and PhD students working in practical philosophy in the Netherlands, and for this conference it warmly welcomes non-members and researchers in practical philosophy from outside the Netherlands, too. The conference will have two kinds of parallel sessions. Half of the sessions will be organized by the coordinators of the various seminars (werkgroepen) of the Netherlands School for Research in Practical Philosophy, and will focus on specific themes in practical philosophy. Members of these seminars who wish to present in one of these sessions are asked to contact the relevant coordinator(s) of these seminars for further details.

Abstract submission

The other sessions will be devoted to papers received in response to this call for papers, and may address any topic within practical philosophy (broadly conceived). The deadline for submission of abstracts for these sessions is 1 June 2012. Please send your abstract of no more than 500 words in the body of an email message to: 2012nsrpp@gmail.com with the subject line “Conference Abstract.” Notification of acceptance will be sent by 1 August. If the submissions outnumber the available slots, a selection will be made on the basis of the quality of the abstracts, and abstracts of members and Ph.D. students of the Research School will be given priority. In writing your abstract, please bear in mind that full papers should be suitable for a 30-minute slot.

Practical information

The conference will take place at the campus of TU/e (in the Auditorium building, Eindhoven University of Technology) in central Eindhoven and will start Friday 2 November at 1 pm and end on Saturday around 5pm. Information about registration, the conference venue, hotel bookings and other practical questions will be published soon.
Organizing committee: Martin Peterson, Anthonie Meijers, and Jilles Smids.

Best wishes

Martin Peterson

Martin Peterson, Associate Professor
Eindhoven University of Technology
Section for Philosophy and Ethics
P.O Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Office +31 40 2475941

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