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The full program of the conference of March 2 and 3 2012 (with added abstracts) can be found online using the following link: programma.
Please make sure to arrange the registration and payment as soon as possible if this has not been taken care of. This can be done using the following link: registration

With kind regards,

The organizing committee

Stéphane Symons
Hans Maes
Annelies Monseré
Ellen Schroven


With the form below you can register for attendance to the Annual Meeting of the Dutch Association of Aesthetics – (March 2-3, KU Leuven).

Please submit the fee for participation within a few days. We process your registration once your payment is registered.
In case you have any queries, please address them to stephane.symons@hiw.kuleuven.be

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NGE-conferentie Leuven, 2-3 maart 2012

Met het formulier onder kunt u zich aanmelden. Gelieve na aanmelding de kosten voor deelname per ommegaande over te maken, onder vermelding van: “NGE-conferentie Leuven 2012”. Uw aanmelding wordt alleen na betaling in behandeling genomen.
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De eerste Salon-bijeenkomst in het nieuwe jaar is op vrijdag 27 januari 2012. Rob van Gerwen is onze gast en hij zal een inleiding verzorgen over de muziekfilosofie van Roger Scruton. Alle leden van het NGE welkom. Vanaf 20 januari kunt u meer informatie lezen over de bijeenkomst op onze website: http://www.egoego.eu. Daar kunt u zich ook aanmelden.

Deadline: 1st of February 2012

The FMC offers residencies for the development of graphic projects based on artistic production, research or based on an artistic/theoretical discourse. Eligible are
professional artists, designers, theoreticians, critics and researchers who can present a consistent curriculum or a portfolio with relevance to the FMC as a graphic competence centre, or with added value for the current visual arts domain.

Residents are both graphic and non-graphic artists who work individually or together. The FMC welcomes national and international residents to guarantee cultural diversity. There are two selection stages each year. The FMC issues a CALL for APPLICATIONS mentioning the different forms of residencies and the last date for the submission of  applications. A number of admission requirements are associated with the application file.

More info: http://www.fransmasereelcentrum.be/

Wat is het belang van kunstonderwijs? Wat betekent het om kunst over te dragen, en wat voor specifieke kennis of vaardigheden worden er door middel van kunst  overgedragen? Dit zijn vragen die in een lange filosofische traditie staan, maar zij krijgen opnieuw urgentie door recente politieke en wetenschappelijke debatten over kunstonderwijs. Daarom organiseert het Expertisecentrum Arts in Society van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in samenwerking met de Minerva Academie van de Hanzehogeschool Groningen het symposium Theory and Art of Teaching Art and Theory, dat plaats zal vinden op donderdag 16 februari 2012.
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Dutch Association of Aesthetics – Annual Meeting

March 2 – 3, 2012, KU Leuven

Submissions on all areas of interest in aesthetics and philosophy of art are welcome. Panel proposals must be submitted by January 1, 2012, and must include a brief description of the topic, names of participants, paper titles and abstracts. Papers must be submitted as an abstract (350 words) by January 15, 2012, must not exceed twenty-five minutes reading time, and must be formatted for blind review. Continue Reading »

Nederlands Genootschap voor Esthetica

Jaarlijkse conferentie

2 en 3 Maart 2012, KU Leuven

Alle voorstellen rond het thema van esthetica en filosofie van de kunst die relevant zijn voor de leden van het NGE kunnen worden ingediend. Voorstellen voor panels moeten worden ingediend voor 1 januari 2012, en dienen een korte samenvatting van het onderwerp, een lijst met de sprekers van het panel, alsook de titels en abstracts van hun lezingen te bevatten. Individuele papers moeten in abstract (350 woorden) worden ingediend voor 15 januari 2012. De lezingen mogen niet meer dan 25 minuten duren en de abstracts dienen zo opgesteld te zijn dat blind review mogelijk is. Continue Reading »

Tickle Your Catastrophe! Imagining Catastrophe in Art, Architecture and Philosophy

Whereas at the end of the twentieth century societies had to work through the traumatic  effects of a century of political extremism and found the drive to rebuild society in the  prospect of a better future, it is now, at the beginning of this new century, the fear of an  inevitable and complete catastrophe that reigns. Worst-case scenarios have always played a  role in the way our culture has imagined the future. The impending depletion of the world’s oil  resources, the devastating effects of climate change, steep population growth, the breakdown  of the economic system, pandemics and the threat of international terrorism have made  catastrophe into a crucial notion to understand our relation with our time today. More than  ever before, the expectation of catastrophe shapes our notion and experience of temporality  and influences our ability to act in the present.

This book Continue Reading »


Marx and the Aesthetic

(University of Amsterdam, May 10-13th, 2012)

The aim of this conference is twofold: on the one hand, to analyse the role of the aesthetic in the writings of Marx and, on the other, to examine works of art and literature which are based on, or have been directly inspired by, Marx’s writings. At the core of this conference, then, is an attempt to think the immanent relation between the aesthetic and emancipatory conceptions of politics.

Previous attempts to make sense of Marx and Engels in terms of aesthetics have either been Marxist in a very broad sense – writing as productive force, aesthetic autonomy as critique of the commodity form, the critique of aesthetic ideologies etc. – or Marxological in a naïve sense i.e., merely assembling in one volume the stray comments on art and literature that pepper Marx’s and Engels’ writings. Continue Reading »

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