Jaarlijkse NGE-conferentie Maart 2012
nov 30th, 2011 by Rob van Gerwen
Nederlands Genootschap voor Esthetica
Jaarlijkse conferentie 2 en 3 Maart 2012, KU Leuven
Alle voorstellen rond het thema van esthetica en filosofie van de kunst die relevant zijn voor de leden van het NGE kunnen worden ingediend. Voorstellen voor panels moeten worden ingediend voor 1 januari 2012, en dienen een korte samenvatting van het onderwerp, een lijst met de sprekers van het panel, alsook de titels en abstracts van hun lezingen te bevatten. Individuele papers moeten in abstract (350 woorden) worden ingediend voor 15 januari 2012. De lezingen mogen niet meer dan 25 minuten duren en de abstracts dienen zo opgesteld te zijn dat blind review mogelijk is. Continue Reading »
EGO-salon: 25/11/2011
nov 16th, 2011 by Annelies Monsere
Op vrijdag 25 november is er weer een nieuwe Salon, de laatste van dit kalenderjaar. Onze gast deze keer is Annelies Monseré. Zij zal een inleiding verzorgen over de definitie en identificatie van kunst en de problematiek met betrekking tot de grens tussen kunst en niet-kunst uitdiepen. We beginnen om 16.00 en ronden om ongeveer 19.00 de bijeenkomst af. Alle NGE-leden zijn welkom. Meer bijzonderheden over de bijeenkomst kunt u vanaf 18 november vinden op onze website: egoego.eu.
CFP: European Society for Aesthetics Conference 2012
nov 16th, 2011 by Annelies Monsere
Universidade do Minho, Braga & Guimarães, Portugal, 25th – 27th of June, 2012
Submission deadline: 31th of January, 2012
The European Society for Aesthetics would like to invite you to submit a paper for presentation at the ESA Conference 2012. The conference will be co-organised by the ESA and the Philosophy Department and the School of Architecture at the Universidade do Minho and will take place in Braga and Guimarães from the 25th of June (morning) until the 27th of June (evening) 2012.
Keynote speakers:
Noël Carroll (Graduate Center, CUNY)
José Gil (New University of Lisbon)
Krystyna Wilkoszewska (Jagiellonian University, Krakow )
We are inviting papers Continue Reading »
Call for registration: Not a day without a line – Artists’ words and writings
okt 24th, 2011 by Annelies Monsere
This symposium explores the longstanding tradition of visual artists’ writings. Both artists and theoreticians discuss historical and/or contemporary aspects of the phenomenon.
Venue: Faculty of Fine Arts, University College Ghent, Belgium
November 8-9, 2011
Organized by: Ghent University Association Research Unit: Creation, Context and Mediation in the Visual Arts; Ghent University & Faculty of Fine Arts, University College Ghent
Registration deadline: Thursday November 3rd
OVB/CFP: ‘Aesthetics and the Sciences of Art?’
okt 24th, 2011 by Annelies Monsere
OVB/CFP: ‘Aesthetics and the Sciences of Art?’
Royal Institute of Philosophy Conference Philosophical
28th to 30th of June 2012
University of Leeds
Submissions of papers are invited for an international conference in aesthetics ‘Philosophical Aesthetics and the Sciences of Art?’ to be held at the University of Leeds, on the 28th to 30th of June 2012. Deadline for submissions is 17th February 2012. Papers should be submitted, and enquiries addressed, to Dr. Jon Robson
more info: http://www.aesthetics-online.org/events/index.php?events_id=402
INNER MOVEMENT – 1-3/12/2011
okt 24th, 2011 by Annelies Monsere
Call for registration: Inner Movement – The Motor Dimension of Imagination An international conference about the role of the moving and gesturing body in the imaginative perception of works of art
Venue: Faculty of Fine Arts, University College Ghent
December 1 – 3, 2011
Registration deadline: Monday November 21st
For details: www.kaskprojecten.be/innermovement/
EGO-SALON – 28/10/2011
okt 24th, 2011 by Annelies Monsere
Op vrijdag 28 oktober is er weer een Salonbijeenkomst van de Esthetica-Salon Nederland-Oost. Margreet Brinkman verzorgt deze keer de Inleiding die alsvolgt is getiteld: Zin en Mogelijkheden van het Vak Filosofie in het Kunstvakonderwijs. Zoals altijd beginnen we om 16.00 uur en ronden om ongeveer 19.00 uur de bijeenkomst af. Meer bijzonderheden over de bijeenkomst kunt u vanaf 21 oktober vinden op onze website: www.egoego.eu. Daar kunt u ook uw komst melden. Alle NGE-leden zijn welkom.
OVB: Contemporary Confrontations Between Art, Morality, and Politics (University of Nanterre-Paris X)
sep 29th, 2011 by Annelies Monsere
When? 1 and 2 June 2012
Where? University of Nanterre-Paris X
Organization: Sophiapol (University of Nanterre), CRHIA (University of Poitiers) and CEHUM (University of Minho)
This conference will investigate the intersections of art, morality, and politics, with particular focus on the shifting dynamic between these cultural and social forces over the last fifty years. Continue Reading »
OVB: Artification: Ideas and Practices (15-17 August 2012, Finland)
sep 29th, 2011 by Annelies Monsere
Three-day conference on 15-17 August 2012, Finland
The research project Artification and Its Impact on Art will arrange a three-day conference on the theme of artification.
The neologism artification refers to situations and processes in which something that is not regarded as art in the traditional sense of the word is changed into something art-like, art-related, or into something that takes influences from the arts. Often this means mixing art with non-art and creating new kinds of hybrids. Continue Reading »