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Category Archive for 'DAA (English)'

Art and War Conference Dutch Association of Aesthetics (Nederlands Genootschap voor Esthetica) Utrecht, Thursday 18 and Friday 19 april 2013 “After eighteen months of negotiation, on 11 April 1713 diplomats from all over Europe concluded a peace treaty in the Utrecht city hall, which had enormous consequences for the countries involved and their possessions overseas.” […]

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Thursday 18 and Friday 19 april 2013 “After eighteen months of negotiation, on 11 April 1713 diplomats from all over Europe concluded a peace treaty in the Utrecht city hall, which had enormous consequences for the countries involved and their possessions overseas.” The Utrecht treaty is the occasion for a massive cultural program in Utrecht, […]

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Beste lezer, de nieuwe deadline voor aanmeldingen is 15 juni …. (Wie wil meedoen, gelieve snel te reageren) Onderstaande OVB voor de nu nog geheten Onderzoekschool voor Praktische Wijsbegeerte is extra relevant voor ons. Het betreft hier de voorloper voor de nieuw op te richten Onderzoekschool voor Wijsbegeerte, waar de esthetica een plek in de […]

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Beyond Art: A symposium on the work of Dominic Lopes

Wednesday 30 May, 2012, University of Kent, Canterbury, Marlowe Lecture Theatre 2

This one-day symposium focuses on Dominic McIver Lopes’s forthcoming book, Beyond Art. Dominic Lopes (University of British Columbia, Leverhulme Visiting Professor at the University of Warwick) is among the foremost contemporary philosophers of art. In addition to Lopes, participants include María José Alcaraz León (University of Murcia), Stacie Friend (Heythrop College), Derek Matravers (Open University and University of Cambridge) and Jean-Marie Schafer (EHESS, University of Paris). In his new book Lopes proposes that the traditional difficulties around defining art – as well as other related problems such as those around aesthetic appreciation – can be solved once they are transferred to individual art forms. Thus, aesthetics should turn its attention beyond art, towards art forms. This original and controversial proposal will be considered and critiqued by the symposium’s other participants, and Lopes will speak about the book’s project and reply to his critics.

The symposium is open to all, and attendance is free. To register, and for further information, please contact Michael Newall (m.b.newall@kent.ac.uk).

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The full program of the conference of March 2 and 3 2012 (with added abstracts) can be found online using the following link: programma. Please make sure to arrange the registration and payment as soon as possible if this has not been taken care of. This can be done using the following link: registration With […]

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With the form below you can register for attendance to the Annual Meeting of the Dutch Association of Aesthetics – (March 2-3, KU Leuven). Please submit the fee for participation within a few days. We process your registration once your payment is registered. In case you have any queries, please address them to stephane.symons@hiw.kuleuven.be

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Dutch Association of Aesthetics – Annual Meeting March 2 – 3, 2012, KU Leuven Submissions on all areas of interest in aesthetics and philosophy of art are welcome. Panel proposals must be submitted by January 1, 2012, and must include a brief description of the topic, names of participants, paper titles and abstracts. Papers must […]

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Dutch Association of Aesthetics Annual Conference May 27th-28th, 2011 Ghent The Dutch Association of Aesthetics (https://nge.nl/daa/) is a society for everyone interested in theoretical, philosophical and critical reflection on the arts and the aesthetic dimensions of contemporary culture. The association offers a meeting place for philosophers, artists, art critics,  art scientists, and people employed in […]

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Dutch Association of Aesthetics Call for Abstracts Annual Conference May 27th-28th, 2011 Ghent The Dutch Association of Aesthetics is a society for everyone interested in theoretical, philosophical and critical reflection on the arts and the aesthetic dimensions of contemporary culture. The association offers a meeting place for philosophers, artists, art critics, art scientists, and people […]

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