Aesthetic Investigations has just published a new issue. We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to review articles and items of interest.
I would also like to draw your attention to our new Calls for papers, which include calls for guest editors! Please visit our site, and check under “Announcements”.
Thanks for the continuing interest in our work,
Rob van Gerwen
Utrecht University (Editor-in-Chief)

Published: 2020-07-25
Table of Contents
From the Editor
- Research as Scrutiny. Our most demanding issues are aesthetic issues
Rob van Gerwen, i-v
Philosophy of film without theory
- Inaugurating Philosophy of Film Without Theory
Craig Fox & Britt Harrison, 175-184 - Police Adjective and Attunement to the Significance of Things
Craig Fox, 185-199 - The New World: Heideggerian or Humanist Cinema?
Britt Harrison, 200-227 - Mourning the Loss of the Ordinary. A Cavellian Reading of Ozu’s Late Spring
Jônadas Techio, 228-259 - With Friends Like These… or: How Not to Respond to the Imposition Objection
Katheryn Doran, 260-268 - Mother-Daughter Identity Constructs in Lady Snowblood and Carrie
Kristin A. Hrehor, 269-283 - Emerson’s Vision of America in John Ford’s Stagecoach
Michael Forest, 284-310 - Getting Away with Murder? Crimes and Misdemeanors and Alternative Conceptions of Justice
Mikel Burley, 311-326 - When the silent universe speaks. Testing Camus’ notion of the absurd in the alien encounters of Contact and Arrival
Shai Tubali, 327-346 - The Flesh is Weak. Empathy and Becoming Human in Jonathan Glazer’s Under the Skin
Colin Heber-Percy, 347-364 - What They See is What We Get in Film: Reality Tells the Fiction
Rob van Gerwen, 365-386 - Ordinary Language Film Studies
Andrew Klevan, 387-406
Dr. Rob van Gerwen, Editor-in-chief Aesthetic Investigations | | E: Dutch Association of Aesthetics: Philosophy | University Utrecht | Janskerkhof 13, 3512 BL Utrecht, room 1.04 T: + 31 30 2533203
W: | blog: | Twitter: @robvangerwen
Jurry Ekkelboom, MA, Assistant to the editor | | NGE: | Visiting address: Dingostraat 62 6531 PD Nijmegen
Dr. Arthur Cools, editor Articles |
Sue Spaid, Ph.D., editor Articles |
Guest Editor Arts & Artists |