Tickle Your Catastrophe! Imagining Catastrophe in Art, Architecture and Philosophy
This book wants to question the present future of calamity by focusing on the imagining of catastrophe, in art, architecture and philosophy. It collects some of the most inspiring contributions of the conference and reflects the interdisciplinary approach of this meeting. The first part entitled “Ruin Value” addresses the motif of the ruin in visual art and urban planning. The second section “State of Emergency” gathers texts on catastrophism in philosophy and literature. The contributions of “Media Disaster” focus on how images of catastrophe are mediated and mediatized in film, painting, the news and the performing arts. Subsequently, the final section “Worst-Case Scenarios” considers the method of scenario thinking as a common strategy in the political discourse on global warming, the military, artistic interventions and urban planning.
With contributions by Lieven De Cauter, Dirk De Meyer, Nicolas de Oliveira & Nicola Oxley, Pedro Gadanho, Vlad Ionescu, Thijs Lijster, Naeem Mohaiemen, Dany Nobus, Eli Noé, Johan Pas, Patrick Primavesi, Christian Salewski and Susan Schuppli.
Edited by Frederik Le Roy, Nele Wynants, Dominiek Hoens, Robrecht Vanderbeeken
info: http://www.catastrophe.ugent.be/book