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De volgende bijeenkomst van de EGO-salon in Dieren is op vrijdag 28 januari 2011 van 16.00 tot 19.00 uur. Inleider: Prof. Dr. Renée van der Vall. Zij zal met haar toehoorders proberen een antwoord te formuleren op de vraag of er zoiets is als “kosmopolitisme” in  de kunst en in de esthetica. In hoeverre moet je een oeuvre als dat van Nasreen begrijpen in termen van waar het vandaan komt of in termen van wat het teweegbrengt?

Uitgebreide informatie is vanaf 20 januari te vinden op http//egoego.eu

Dutch Association of Aesthetics

Call for Abstracts

Annual Conference

May 27th-28th, 2011


The Dutch Association of Aesthetics is a society for everyone interested in theoretical, philosophical and critical reflection on the arts and the aesthetic dimensions of contemporary culture. The association offers a meeting place for philosophers, artists, art critics, art scientists, and people employed in art education and art policy.

On Friday May 27th and Saturday May 28th 2011, the Dutch Association of Aesthetics holds its annual conference at Ghent, Belgium. Keynote speakers are:

Paul Crowther (National University of Ireland, Galway)
Jerrold Levinson (University of Maryland)

Papers on any topic in aesthetics or the philosophy of art are invited. Abstracts should be appr. 1,000 words, and must be prepared for blind review. The deadline for abstracts is March 10th 2011. Conference languages are Dutch and English.

Please send your abstract in PDF or RTF format to Annelies Monseré: annelies.monsere@ugent.be

Conference venue: Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Blandijnberg 2, 9000 Gent

Organising Committee: Hans Maes, Annelies Monseré, and Bart Vandenabeele

Nederlands Genootschap voor Esthetica

Oproep voor abstracts

Jaarlijkse conferentie

27-28 mei 2011


Het Nederlands Genootschap voor Esthetica (NGE) is een vereniging voor iedereen die belangstelling heeft voor theoretische, filosofische en kritische reflectie op de kunsten en op de esthetische dimensies van de hedendaagse cultuur. De vereniging vormt een ontmoetingsplaats voor filosofen, kunstenaars, kunstcritici, kunstwetenschappers en mensen die werkzaam zijn in het kunstonderwijs en het kunstbeleid.

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23rd-25th September, 2011. Univeristy of Warwick, UK.

This conference looks to provoke debate on the relationship between Caribbean environments and literature and the arts. We invite papers that consider the intersection of aesthetics, imperialism, and ecologies, and which examine the role of cultural production in mapping and responding to environmental crises and natural catastrophes across the pan-Caribbean. How has fiction or travel writing, for example, registered the transformations in landscapes, seascapes, flora, and fauna occasioned by the plantation regime, or national development projects, or tourism? How has the “open, exploded, irrupted” space of the Caribbean (Glissant) been mediated in artworks?  We are also interested in the intersection of social justice with environmental justice, and the role the writer or artist might play in addressing such issues. What is the potential of the artist as activist, and how might the arts offer new approaches and perspectives for thinking about and dealing with these issues?

We welcome papers on any linguistic area of the Caribbean, and on any form of cultural production (literature, drama, art, music, etc). Possible themes might include, but are certainly not limited to:

  • Imperialism, ecology, and aesthetics
  • The significance of natural disasters and ecological crises to Caribbean aesthetics
  • Ecology, creolization, and politics
  • Fictions of resource extraction
  • The role of the artist as activist in the Caribbean
  • The arts and environmental justice
  • The arts and social movements
  • Visions of environmental Utopia and dystopia in the Caribbean
  • The environment as historical memory
  • The environment in national, regional, or diasporic imaginaries

Individual papers should be no longer than 20 minutes. Please send a 300 word abstract and a biographical sketch (150 words) to Michael Niblett at eapconference@gmail.com by March 1st, 2011.  Proposals for panels (3 speakers) are also welcome: please send a 200 word summary of the rationale for the panel, in addition to individual abstracts. Any enquiries, please contact Michael Niblett at the above email address.

January 25, 2011 at 10:00 hours

Location: Witte de Withstraat 50, 3012 BR Rotterdam

 On Tuesday 25 January 2011, from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Julia Dault and William J. O’Brien give a masterclass for young artists, undergraduate and (post)graduate students. This masterclass accompanies the exhibition Making is Thinking at Witte de With, Center for Contemporary Art.

Enrollment for this masterclass is via two routes:

– Through teachers and coordinators of diverse international programs and courses;

– Or by direct application to Witte de With.

Send in your CV and statement of interest in English as soon as possible, but no later than Sunday 16 January to Aleit Veenstra: aleit@wdw.nl.

Numbers are limited. Selected applicants will receive a confirmation of their selection for participation by Tuesday 18 January.

The masterclass takes place in the auditorium and library of Witte de With, Center for Contemporary Art.

For more information please email aleit@wdw.nl.

web: www.wdw.nl

The IXth IIAA International Summer Conference on Environmental Aesthetics 16th-18th June 2011, Lahti, Finland.

The concept of space has become one of the most important instruments for investigating the constitutive factors involved in building human relationship to the surroundings. Recent research in different fields has revealed various dimensions of the concept and different viewpoints from which it can be addressed. The concept of space helps direct attention to the human, felt dimension not only of natural environments, but of urban environments as well. The concept of space is also an importantly aesthetic one, as it is connected to critical issues in contemporary aesthetics. One important way of approaching human spaces is to make a distinction between private and public space. Some spaces could be called “hybrid spaces,” including aspects from different kinds of spaces. What are the differences between the aesthetics of the different forms of space? What sort of a role does the experience of spaces play in human life as a whole?        

People interested in exploring these issues are asked to send an abstract of no more than 300 words to iiaa-info[at]helsinki.fi. Deadline for abstracts is 15th February 2011. The time allotted to each paper is 40 minutes (30 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion).         
More information: www.helsinki.fi/estetiikka/ksei/eng/events/index.htm

The Masters program in Philosophy and the Arts at Stony Brook University in Manhattan centers on intersections of art and philosophy. In an effort to encourage dialogue across disciplines, we offer this conference as an interdisciplinary event and welcome participants working in a variety of fields and media to respond to this year’s topic: Redemption

We welcome the submission both of original academic papers and of artwork for exhibition or performance from graduate students across disciplines. All submissions should be formatted for blind review, and suitable for a 20-minute presentation (approximately 3000 words or 8-11 pages). Please visit the Philosophy and the Arts Conference website at http://www.philosophyartconference.org for complete submission instructions, as well as information on past conferences and regular updates. All submissions must be received by January 13th, 2011. Submitters will be notified of the committee’s decision regarding their work via email no later than February 7th, 2011. The conference will take place at Stony Brook Manhattan, 387 Park Ave. South. Feel free to contact the conference coordinators for help with additional questions at philosophyartconference (at) gmail.com.


The next issue of ‘Dialectic’ will be released just after Easter 2011. The theme of this will be ‘Art and Literature’ so if you have anything to write about aesthetics or about a philosophical theme in or interpretation of the work of a specific artist or author we would love to hear from you.

There are two lengths of essay we will be accepting – under 1000 words and under 1500 we will publish three 1000 word essays and two 1500 word essays – so there is a greater chance of the shorter essays being published but more chance to develop a point in the longer ones . The deadline for submissions is Friday 21st January. Articles can be submitted to dialecticsubmissions (at) googlemail.com

 The Faculty of Arts and Philosophy at Ghent University proposes to elect a PhD Fellowship in Philosophy tenable for 1 year, renewable up to 4 years, from 1 March 2011. 

 The successful candidate will be required to do research, resulting in a PhD degree, and participate in activities of the research group of Prof. dr. Bart Vandenabeele. It is a requirement of this post that the successful candidate take part in the FWO research project ‘The value(s) of disinterestedness and selflessness. An investigation of the relationship between Schopenhauer’s and Nietzsche’s aesthetics and ethics’, under the supervision of Prof. dr. Bart Vandenabeele. The successful candidate will be expected to present papers at international conferences and publish in international, peer-reviewed journals. The fellow may be required to engage in teaching up to a maximum of two hours weekly and, if teaching, would normally be expected to deliver teaching in one or more of: aesthetics; art theory; history of contemporary philosophy.

Candidates must by 1 March 2011 have passed all the examinations required for an MA degree in Philosophy. The successful candidate must demonstrate advanced knowledge of Schopenhauer’s and/or Nietzsche’s philosophy. Candidates must also demonstrate a high degree of proficiency in English. Additional competence in aesthetics and/or ethics may be an advantage. A high degree of proficiency in German may also be an advantage.

Further particulars can be obtained by telephoning or emailing to Prof. dr. Bart Vandenabeele: +32/(0)496/10 63 51 or Bart.Vandenabeele (at) UGent.be.

 Applications, including a detailed CV, should be submitted by email to the supervisor of the research project, Prof. dr. Bart Vandenabeele (Bart.Vandenabeele (at)UGent.be), no later than Wednesday 5 January 2011.


The Philosophy Research Unit of the Athens Institute for Education and Research (AT.IN.E.R.) organizes its 6th Annual International Conference on Philosophy, May 30th – June 2nd 2011. The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars and students of philosophy. Areas of interest include (but are not confined to):

    * History of Philosophy
    * Ancient Philosophy
    * European Philosophy
    * African Philosophy
    * American Philosophy
    * Asian Philosophy
    * Political Philosophy
    * Moral Philosophy
    * Aesthetics
    * Logic
    * Existentialism
    * Analytic Philosophy and Pragmatism
    * Philosophy of Religion
    * Philosophy of Law
    * Philosophy of Mathematics and Physics
    * Philosophy of Biology
    * Philosophy of Action
    * Ethics
    * Epistemology

Selected papers will be published in a  Special Volume of the Conference Proceedings.

The initial submissions for presentation should consist of an abstract of no more than 300 words, with 3 keywords.  If your proposed paper is accepted for presentation at the conference, a reading paper of between 1,500 and 2,000 words must be submitted to the conference organizers one month before the conference (30 April 2011).  After the conference, participants will be invited to submit a longer version of their paper (up to 5,000 words, including references and footnotes) for consideration for publication in the edited proceedings.  The deadline for submission for the proceedings will be late August 2011. Please submit the 300 words abstract by 24th of January 2011. If you want to participate without presenting a paper, i.e. chair a session, evaluate papers to be included in the conference proceedings or books, contribute to the editing, or any other offer to help please send an email to Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, gtp@atiner.gr Director, ATINER.

 More info can be found here: http://www.atiner.gr/call/2011CALL-PHI.htm

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