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NGE Najaarssymposium & Algemene Ledenvergadering:

Het NGE organiseert in samenwerking met de EUR op donderdag 14 oktober 2010 een symposium over Deleuze en Beeldende kunst. Na het symposium zal de Algemene Ledenvergadering van het NGE plaatsvinden (18u-19.30u, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Campus Woudestein, Erasmus Expo en Congres Centrum, M-gebouw, zaal ‘Rochester’).


Op 20 oktober 2010 organiseert UCSIA het panelgesprek Art as Relation. Art’s Contribution to Society met kunstenaar Craigie Horsfield. Het panelgesprek vindt plaats op woensdag 20 oktober 2010 van 18.00u tot 20.00u in de Promotiezaal Grauwzusters (Stadscampus Universiteit Antwerpen, Lange Sint-Annastraat 7, 2000 Antwerpen). Deelname is gratis, maar we vragen u om via deze link in te schrijven: http://www.ucsia.org/main.aspx?c=*UCSIA2&n=87971&ct=80128


De volgende bijeenkomst van de EGO-salon in Dieren is op vrijdag 8 oktober van 16.00 – 19.00 uur.

Inleider: Dr. Hans Maes. De titel van zijn inleiding: Kunst of pornografie?

Uitgebreide informatie is vanaf 1 oktober te vinden op http://egoego.eu

Oproep voor bijdragen:

– “Covert Cultures: Art and the Secret State, 1911-1989” CRASSH, University of Cambridge

Friday 4th – Saturday 5th February 2011. The early years of the twentieth century saw the birth of the age of the covert state. Crises of international relations, nationalisms and revolutionary politics led governments to create secret institutions whose activities would long remain hidden from citizens, while those same governments sought through stricter legislation to map and control the flow of their own sensitive information. As the century progressed, espionage and surveillance moved to the centre of popular culture, while real intelligence agencies became more advanced and more powerful, using cultural production as a weapon in the ideological battles of the Cold War. More recently, covert activity has returned to the public consciousness, with espionage, secret weapons programmes, torture and civil liberties again at the forefront of debates on the conduct of the modern state. This renewed interest has coincided with the centenary of British intelligence services, and has been well served by the flourishing field of intelligence history. Yet the relation of this new, clandestine world to art has remained relatively under-examined. From the spy novels of the First World War to the CIA’s secret funding of art exhibitions and Encounter magazine in the 1950s, visual art, film and literature have acted in complicity with, as well as in resistance to, the aims of secret state action. This conference – which will take place in the centenary year of the 1911 Official Secrets Act – hopes to investigate the terms on which art and intelligence meet, and the cultural ramifications of that interaction. We invite twenty-minute papers from researchers in the fields of intelligence history, art history, film studies, geography, sociology and English and European literatures. Declarations of interest with an abstract of no more than 300 words, and accompanied by a brief resume, should be sent to the organisers at covertcultures@gmail.com as soon as possible and no later than Friday 29 October 2010. Accepted papers will be announced on Friday 5 November 2010. Finalised papers should be submitted by Friday 7 January 2011 and will be circulated to participants prior to the event. The organisers will also actively solicit papers. www.crassh.cam.ac.uk/events/1330.

– Postgraduate Journal of Aesthetics. The PJA invites contributions from postgraduate students for its Winter / December 2010 issue (vol. 7 no. 3). Submissions may be on any topic in aesthetics and the philosophy art. The PJA welcomes papers from diverse perspectives (including analytic, continental and historical ones). Submissions should be accessible, concise and have recognisably philosophical content. They should be roughly 3,000 words in length, but not longer than 3,500. On issues of formatting (referencing style, etc.) authors should consult the current issue of the journal at:
http://www.british-aesthetics.org/pjacurrent.aspx. Papers should be submitted by December 1st 2010 in Rich Text Format (.rtf) via e-mail to pjaeditor@british-aesthetics.org with ‘PJA submission’ in the subject line.

– “The State of Aesthetics” Submissions of papers are invited for an international conference on aesthetics, to be held at the Institute of Philosophy in London, on 23rd and 24th of June 2011. The conference aims to explore the significance and value of the study of aesthetics. Submissions should fall under any of the following headings: aesthetics and philosophy, aesthetics and the art world, and aesthetics and the human sciences. Keynote sessions will be given by – amongst others – Ivan Gaskell (Fogg Museum, Harvard), Jane Heal (Philosophy, Cambridge), Chris Tilley (Anthropology, UCL) and Robyn Carston (Linguistics, UCL). Papers should take between 35 and 40 minutes to present. The conference has slots reserved for graduate papers, so submissions from graduate students should be clearly marked as such. Papers should be prepared for blind review, and sent as an email attachment in Word to Derek Matravers ( d.c.matravers@open.ac.uk) by the 1st February 2011.


Vanaf 15 oktober zal Annelies Monseré ( annelies@annelies-monsere.net) het beheer van de NGE nieuwsmail overnemen. Gelieve in de toekomst uw berichten aan haar te laten toekomen.

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